Membership Listing

Membership of the Association of International Antiquities Dealers is open to dealers in the antiquities and collectibles trades, including coins, ancient artefacts, ancient art, ancient weapons and similar goods.
In this context ‘ancient’ means ‘dating from 1750 AD or before’.
Members may be exhibitors at trade fairs; shops, galleries and commercial premises; internet sales sites; auctioneers and others of similar standing.

Below is the current Register of Members. It is updated from time to time.

Register of Members
Andreas von dem Berge, Gescher, Germany
Ancientantiques, Wolvega, Netherlands
Antiques & Artifacts, LLC, Cape Coral, FL 33909, USA
Apolonia Ancient Art, Denver, Colorado, USA
Archaeo Gallery, Herne Hill, Western Australia
Artemission, South Kensington, London, U.K.
Aton Gallery GmbH, Oberhausen, Germany
Berganza Ltd, London, U.K.
Clio Ancient Art and Antiquities, Alameda, California, USA
Coins and Antiquities UK, Wickford, Essex
DRG Coins & Antiquities, Hertford, UK
Edgar L. Owen, Ltd., Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849, USA

Ihnasiya Gallery, Surrey, UK
Juan Carlos Bahamonde, Bristol, UK
Odyssey Antiquities, Southport, UK
Solo Coins and Antiquities
Treasuregate – Art of the Ancients, Brussels, Belgium
Wicks Coins, Tamworth, Staffordshire, UK
Zurqieh Co. L.L.C .

Register of Associate Members

English Relics LLP
Helvetica, Switzerland
Malibu Rockstar, Malibu, California, USA
TimeLine Auctions, Essex, UK.
Wessex Prints, Barrie, Ontario, Canada., Switzerland.

  • AIAD

    AIAD is an association of dealers in antiquities (including fine art, coins, metallic and ceramic objects) whose aim is to promote responsible antiquities dealing and to provide a support network and means of exchanging relevant information about fakes, forgeries, fraudulent misrepresentation and stolen goods with a view to identifying such items offered for sale and notifying the appropriate authorities.

    The initial impetus for the formation of the AIAD came from the British antiquities trade. Because of the nature of the antiquities trade, it is essential for the Association to include members based in Europe, the Americas and further afield.

    The AIAD offers Associate Membership to interested individuals, trade bodies and companies outside the antiquities trade who have relevant interests and experience, for example companies providing valuation, authentication and certification services.
